Portfolio & Roadmap Management
Build portfolios & roadmaps that accelerate growth, mitigate costs, and inform the right investments
Lead teams to build the highest-ROI projects and products using project management, product management, and financial frameworks
Dynamically allocate investment to new opportunities to drive executive KPIs
Capture savings by accurately setting investment budgets based on historicals
Accelerate planning by eliminating analysis bottlenecks and manual processes
Mach-AI is your executive portfolio & roadmap management solution
Automated Prioritization
Dynamically score and rank projects in order to automatically build and rebuild portfolio-level plans
​​Define your customized scoring criteria to evaluate and rank projects
Standardize the evaluation process across teams to improve consistency and precision, and eliminate guesswork
Automatically re-forecast the roadmap expense, budget, and hiring plans as projects and resourcing needs change
Automated Projects and Resourcing Identification
Import existing project management and org chart data to easily forecast resourcing and costs
​Consolidates sprint, epics, and stories data into portfolio-level projects
Consolidates tasks’ assignee data into resourcing demands, forecasted utilization rates, and estimated cost
Resource and Capacity Planning
Assign resources at the project level to build true bottom-up cost forecasts
Assign resources based on roles and teams for accurate cost forecast and capacity planning
Dynamically estimate utilization and capacity constraints based on changing projects’ resourcing demands
Forecast future hiring needs and estimate headcount expense by role and team