Capacity and Resource Management
Maximize utilization, save on costs, and achieve the highest cost-efficiency by assigning the right level of resourcing
For Project and Product Managers

Maximize success by assigning the right resource based on job title, experience level, team, and name

Deliver on-time by assigning resources with sufficient capacity and block off new requests
For Resource and Portfolio Managers

Automatically detect and eliminate capacity bottlenecks with real-time resourcing demand and utilization rates

Maintain cost-efficient capacity by right-sizing FTE and contractor growth to real-time resourcing needs
Mach-AI help organizations reduce cost and improve resource utilization based on real-time data
The resourcing and capacity management process starts with the Project or Product Managers’ requests for resources, and continues with assigning resources by job title, experience, location, and availability, while Resource and Portfolio Managers maintain capacity and utilization targets.

High-Precision Resourcing
Maximize success and prevent resourcing bottlenecks
Assign the right resources based on job title, level of experience, location, and availability
De-risk and improve success by identifying and mitigating dependencies

Automated Capacity Planning
Maximize cost-efficiency and eliminate resourcing bottlenecks
Automatically detect utilization and capacity constraints based on projects’ changing resourcing demands
Forecast future resourcing to enable-early warning of whether to increase/decrease resourcing